Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This breaks my heart...

The war in Northern Uganda is something that I hold close to my heart. I think about the citizen herded into camps like livestock, the children forced to kill and maim abolishing all hope for a future and for peace, the girls viciously attacked and forced to be mothers of children that will only learn to kill and terrorize. I think about the cycle of abuse and neglect that Uganda faces if justice is not brought. The other thing I think about is how we do nothing. How we sit here in our houses, surrounded by our big screen TVs, our expesive vacations and our fancy cars and how having all the wealth in the world we can't bring ourselves to have one ounce of campassion for those facing this horror everyday. If it was us in this mess wouldn't we demand action?? Wouldn't we demand that our cries would be heard? Wouldn't we want everyone to rally and bring back to us our lost sons and our lost daughters?
How can we do this? How can we sit twiddling our thumbs while an opportunity walks us by? We could be the generation to end this war, to restore a country, but we aren't?
I'm sick of inaction isn't it about time we showed the world that Canada cares?
What can you do to stop this? What can i do to stop this?
And, why aren't we doing it?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

we're goin through changes..

I think I smell a change in the wind says I.

Keep yah updated!!